
Simplify your SCSS with powerful mixins.

v1.0.4 • Published a day ago


To start using ash_sass_mixins, simply install it via npm:

                npm i ash_sass_mixins


Import the mixins you need. For example, to import the Flex mixins:

                @use '../node_modules/ash_sass_mixins/src/flex' as *;

Now you can start using the mixins in your SCSS files to control layout and more:

                .container { @include flex-center; @include flex-gap(20px); }


  • Sass mixins for Flexbox layouts
  • Grid control utilities
  • Saves lines of code by simplifying common patterns
  • Responsive and easy to integrate

Additional Information

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Author: Ashraf Mohaemd

For any inquiries, please contact the author at

Repository: View the source code on GitHub.

© 2024 Ashraf Mohaemd. All rights reserved.